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Why Animal Assisted Therapy?

Learn what research says about AAT

Learn more about Canine Partners of the Rockies (CaPR)

CaPR's mission to provide life-changing partnerships to individuals 

Learn about Obie through Owen's Foundation

On March 17, 2011, 8-year-old Owen Cole Brezitski was killed by a 17-year-old distracted driver while walking in a crosswalk with his family in front of Bishop McDevitt High School in Harrisburg, PA. Obie was from the litter named after Owen, with hopes that these trained dogs would help people across the country.

Promoting the wellbeing of clients by offering a range of addiction recovery services. We recognize that addiction is a disease which deeply impacts not only the addict, but the entire family system. We offer detoxification, family engagement program, recovery outpatient program, individual counseling, DUI education and DUI therapy, community service programs, and a wide range of drug testing services.

Providing individuals and families in crisis with drugs and alcohol access to treatment and recovery support.

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